“The acting is superb. Chet Anekwe nails his character perfectly
Isabella E.C Akinseye - Africa Magic - ON BENDED KNEES

Chet Anekwe owns this movie, he is great playing the character Ike"
Dr. Victor O. Olatoye - Nollywood Film Critics - UNWANTED GUEST

“The man is hilarious, just by looking at his face, I can literally burst out laughing. He made the movie, no lie. I really enjoyed him on my screen and will be looking out for him.”
NollywoodRave.com - EXPOSURE

"Anekwe is superb as the intelligent, distraught, but courageous Joshua."
Yusef Salaam - New York Beacon- KNOW THY ENEMY

"As Joshua, Chet Anekwe achieves a powerful, almost mythic presence"
Ron Cohen - BackStage.com - KNOW THY ENEMY

"Chet Anekwe aka CBA is probably the guy to watch out for in 30 Days. If he chooses to pursue it, stardom awaits him in Nollywood. He can easily assume the role of Nigeria's most talented and good looking leading man...... He translates the layers of moods into reality. The role, to borrow a cliche, becomes him....CBA brings to his portrayal of "Kene Alumona" to an uncanny depth and range hardly ever seen....lesser talent would have been blown out of the water by CBA"
Sola Osofisan - Nigerians In America - 30 DAYS

"It is exciting to watch... Chet Anekwe makes the transition invisible from an anguished youth forced to watch his father's lynching to that young man's aged deranged self, still wreaking vengeance."
Andrea Steven - The New York Times - Real Black Men Don't Sit Crossed Legged On The Floor

"Speaking of talent, the cast was all-around wonderful.... and especially Chet Anekwe as a provocateur who bets his buddy that he can come up with more euphemisms for "dick" than he can..."
Script Furnace - Dick Dialogues

"The five-member cast is uniformly fine, though Linda Baldasare and Chet Anekwe stand out for adding layers of almost lyrical depth to their parts."
Tom Penketh Backstage.com - Voices From The Heart

"Key Players are solid notably... Chet Anekwe as the imposingly learned Juror four"
Curt Holman Creative Loafing - Twelve Angry Men

"Anekwe delivers a superb performance as Marc Anthony. He easily tempers his tone and mood to match his words..." "(Chet Anekwe).. is able to make one of the most memorable and powerful speechless.... Anthony's speech is quite mesmerizing.."
Linda Armstrong New York Amsterdam News - Julius Caesar Set In Africa

"Brotherhood is served as Brown's conscience as superbly demonstrated by Anekwe" Talise D. Moorer Amsterdam News - Our Husband Has Gone Mad Agsin

"Chet Anekwe...gave an outstanding performance as Sengbe (JosephCinque). Anekwe's performance enabled the audience to experience each step of his slow and painful growth into manhood and into becoming a hero."
Linda Armstrong New York Amsterdam News - Chap Am So (The Amistad Victory)